All shipments must receive prior approval from our Material Specialist via email before sending.
Parcel Lots:
Details below:
To verify that a lot meets our mail-in parcel program criteria, we require a packing list that includes all materials and their corresponding weights.
1. Must have a verified lot value of $150 or more (if using our prepaid labels, the $150 is the total lot value before shipping deduction, max weight per box is 45lbs)
2. If lot value is less than $150, we request no more than 3 grades of material, pre sorted. We cannot provide labels for lots with less than a $150 value.
Freight Lots:
To verify that a lot meets our mail-in freight program criteria, we require a packing list that includes all materials and their corresponding weights.
1.Your lot must have a verified value of $250 or more. (If you're utilizing our prepaid freight service, the $250 is the total lot value before any shipping deductions.)
2.If the lot value is less than $250, we request no more than 3 grades of material, pre-sorted. Unfortunately, we cannot provide prepaid freight for lots valued under $25
3.Freight minimums vary depending on location. Generally, there is a minimum of about 500lbs; however, several variables may affect this.